New website coming soon. While we are working on it, some items pictured may not actually be in stock. Gazillions of items ARE in stock (in store), but are not pictured online. We apologize for any incovencience and thank you for your pateince while we begrudgingly attempt to exit the 1990's and acheive a functioning (and at least an early 2000's era) website!

Braided Sweetgrass with White Sage Bundle

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Only 25 left!
4 inch bundle of our farm's fresh California white sage with hand-braided Sweet Grass for an amazing aroma! Smudging our organic Braided Sweetgrass is used for purification of the spirit, and attracting positive, light energy. Its sweet, vanilla-like scent gives a calming effect when used during rituals and circles. Also called Seneca grass, holy grass, and vanilla grass, this special herb has been called the sacred hair of Mother Earth. Our farmers spend great time and effort to delicately hand-braid the sweet grass before combining them with the white sage. It’s sweet aroma reminds people of the gentleness, love, and kindness she has for the people. We take pride in our meticulously hand-tied white sage bundles. We use absolutely no pesticides or growth hormones and sun dry our lush bundles for a simply amazing all natural product.

Braided Sweetgrass with White Sage...

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